
About Alcúdia and Pollensa and the north of Mallorca and any other stuff that seems interesting.

Posts Tagged ‘Sun Sea and A and E’

Flim Flam Man

Posted by andrew on November 4, 2009

Something of a follow-up day today. Follow-up to two stories, one about Columbus, the other about “Sun, Sea and A&E”. Both stem from comments received. 

To Columbus first, and the piece on The Columbus Industry. The author of the comment describes much of the evidence that seeks to establish Columbus’s place of birth as anywhere other than Genoa as “flim flam”. A rather good expression. I must use it myself some time. Intuitively, I cannot go along with the non-Genoa hypotheses, while factually there is, as the commentator points out, much which does uphold the Genoa argument.

When the book by Estelle Irizarry and its findings were being reported, it was being said that it had been proved that Columbus was Catalan. The book has done no such thing. Had it been irrefutably proved, then there would have been one hell of a song and dance. But there wasn’t, because it hadn’t been. What the book has done is to advance an important contribution to the Columbus debate, one that underscores previous work that has sought to make the Catalan link. And it is genuinely important as it has addressed Columbus’s use of language, one that has baffled historians and also baffled his contemporaries, such as Las Casas. Irizarry may have established a Catalan element and also established that Columbus spoke Catalan (or a Ladino variant) before Castilian, but this, in itself, does not mean that he might not have acquired this somewhere other than Catalonia or Aragon. Until it can be proved, indisputably, that Columbus was born somewhere other than Genoa, the debate will continue, and the Genoa argument will continue to hold sway. 


Mallorca on the telly

And so to “Sun, Sea and A&E”. I think I have upset someone, namely Gill Bucklitsch, the lady who works at Muro hospital, is featured on the programme and who was interviewed by “The Bulletin”, something that inspired an earlier piece. She found it “rather insulting”. In which case I apologise. It is not my intention to offend. 

Moving on, the piece was one about the celebrity that comes from reality TV and also TV’s portrayal of Mallorca, one that I described as “telly froth”. I’m afraid that I don’t buy the argument that reality TV is somehow promotion for Mallorca. That “Sun, Sea and A&E” shows local health services and staff in a positive light is commendable, but do people choose their holidays on the basis of medical provision? Perhaps they ought to, in which case they wouldn’t go to Egypt if they heard of the story of the eight-year-old girl who was whisked away from her parents, suspected of having landed with swine flu. 

When Clarkson and the boys came to do their “Top Gear” show, it was also said that this would be good for Mallorca. Why? It was a programme about cars and a rally, not a travelogue. The interest for some would have been heightened as they would have known the location, that I can see, but it would not necessarily result in a sudden rush of bookings from those who didn’t. That there is now talk of a new race-track for Mallorca may be beneficial, though don’t let’s expect an Abu Dhabi and Button and Vettel haring around a Mallorcan F1 circuit any time soon. Nevertheless, with the sun shining, Mallorca did look pretty good during whatever it was the Top Gear trio were doing, and I can’t pretend to understand what, other than the fact they were driving cars – some of the time.

Otherwise, what would make for good TV for Mallorca? Travel shows, yes, a decent drama series, yes. A soap might even do it. And then there might be historical dramas. Chopin’s winter in Mallorca wouldn’t do, as a truthful telling would reveal how much he disliked Valldemossa. Robert Graves possibly, though I’m not sure what. Or how about the Moors and the Christians? Shot on location around Pollensa, though the chances of a British production team doing it would be remote, on the grounds of religious insensitivity. Shame, it could make a rollicking good drama. The story of the reclaiming of Albufera? Shot on location around Alcúdia, Sa Pobla and Muro. There are probably any number of possibilities that would be genuinely meaningful.

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