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Posts Tagged ‘Scandinavian market’

A Case Of The Jitters

Posted by andrew on June 19, 2010

Sunwing, the all-Scandinavian hotel and apartment complex, is not far off being full. So I was told yesterday. With its location, right on the beach and an easy walk to both the port of Alcúdia and The Mile, you would hope that it – of all places – would be doing well. But the all-Scandinavian element probably tells more of a story.

Despite those comments a while ago about the Swedish finding the price of a beer in beach bars somewhat excessive and also about them defecting to other destinations, such as Thailand, the reality seems rather different, as it has been for perhaps three or four years. It has been the Scandinavians that have been keeping Alcúdia going. Hug a blond or a blonde. Even non-euro nations, like Norway and Sweden, and unlike the UK, don’t seem to have turned their backs on Mallorca and Alcúdia. The less good news might be if Sunwing goes down the all-inclusive track.

Contrast the apparent tranquility by the beach with events elsewhere – in more Brit-market land. There was a bit of an incident yesterday, one involving a leaflet, and one I’m not about to go into. Suffice it to say, it also involved a hotel with a British market. The hotel didn’t like a leaflet for a British bar. Its prerogative. But there are ways of doing things, other than getting in a bit of a tiz.

It was only when one heard of other apparent developments that one could possibly put this into a wider context of anxiety. Another hotel is, so it is being said, to not be graced by a leading UK tour operator next year; this may be destined to be another part of Alcúdia that is forever Scandinavian. And then there is Bellevue. The word is that it will close early and undergo some redevelopment for next year. As ever, I would like to see some hard evidence, but that is the word.

On top of this, there was confirmation of something that has been doing the rounds on’s forum (and Trip Advisor) regarding a website known as The confirmation came not from a holidaymaker but an operator locally. People are being royally scammed.

This was of a totally different order to the jitters that seemed to be around, but it just added to a sense of anxiety. Yesterday was not a great day, because there was a strain, a feeling of all not being right with the world. But there was always meeting up with Sheila and Alan again, who were partaking of some liberal measures at Gavins. Which was far more like it. Perhaps we should all just relax a bit more.

Cheers, meanwhile, seem to have found some proper flags – fat lot of good it has done though. Oh woe is England. Told you it was not a great day.

Any comments to please.

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