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Posts Tagged ‘Real Mallorca heading for administration’

Real Mallorca heading for administration

Posted by andrew on February 5, 2010

Poor old Real Mallorca. It just gets worse. The club’s interim president has taken the first step towards placing the club into administration. A period of three months will now follow a declaration of the club’s insolvency before a judge, a period during which the management will seek some accord with its various creditors. If this is unsuccessful, there will be a month’s prolongation, at the end of which administration would be the result. The timing of the declaration before the judge is not without significance. The four months would take the process up to the end of the football season. The club may yet avoid relegation on account of its parlous financial position, and relegation would be massively unjust for a team that has performed surprisingly well given the off-field crisis.
The club’s president has, meantime, been in discussion with the regional government’s president. One outcome of this is that the government may take over as club sponsors. “The Bulletin” referred to this the other day, though it said the “Mallorca government”. There is no such thing; it is either the Balearic regional government or the Council of Mallorca. Either way, if any government is going to start piling in with some cash for the club, then it could well be asked what the hell it’s playing at. Why should government intervene with a club that has been so mis-managed and which is so poorly supported? It is not a club for the majority of Mallorcans, or anything like it. Nor is it somehow emblematic, in a way that a Barcelona is. The government might perceive some involvement with a new “strategic plan” as a way of garnering electoral support from supporters, but their numbers are hardly great. And one, inevitably, comes back to the question as to why no serious buyer has emerged over the past couple of years. It’s because it’s not really worth anything, despite the remarkable efforts of the team and the coach Manzano who is almost certain to leave at the end of the season, come what may.
Make the most of it, any football fans in Mallorca. What is left of this season might be your last chance.

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