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Posts Tagged ‘Public-sector companies’

Kicking Off: Cuts, Catalan and Conflict

Posted by andrew on September 30, 2011

I know, I know. I should write about turquoise seas, dramatic mountain landscapes, quaint old Mallorcans acting traditionally. I should use the “beautiful” word. I should consult only my tourism brochure thesaurus, litter my every sentence with superlatives. I know, I know.

“What me? Write about politics?” “Yea, as if you don’t”. Sometimes I wonder if I am the only one who’s interested. But then I know I am not, as I correspond with those who make it clear that I am not alone. “It’s all going to kick off.” “No, it won’t kick off.” I wish I could share such optimism. It was a pessimistic view that had made me suggest it would kick off. It had been half-joking, but only where one of the rescue agencies was concerned. “The Royal Navy and Ryanair repatriating us all.” Pull the short straw and there would be O’Leary kicking you back down the steps if you dared to bring on excess baggage, your dearest possessions stashed inside a hurriedly-packed old suitcase.

Will it kick off? When will it kick off? What will be the starting-point for it to kick off? Or perhaps it already has in an as yet quiet way.

You can’t blame Bauzá and his government for some of it. These government public companies, for example; what on earth were they all doing? Four or five of them with IT included in their titles. Was it possible that they were duplicating information technology effort? Very likely. The Balearics Tourism Agency is to be combined with the Foundation for Sustainable Development after all. What will become of the foundation’s Jorge Campos? He’ll probably be kept on. He and Bauzá are chums.

Ninety-two of these companies are to go, along with 800 jobs. Shame for the workers, but what was the point of them? The point seemed to be that it cost over 100 million euros a year to employ them.

The unions are making noises, but then unions always make noises. They are threatening “permanent conflict” if the government doesn’t back down on its promise to get rid of the full-time union worker representatives in public administration. It won’t back down. Permanent conflict. Will it come? Has it arrived? Has the kicking-off started?

The university hasn’t got money to pay salaries. Its financial situation, poor anyway, has got worse. It’s short of 20 million of government cash. Its budget had already been cut by 12%. How much more can it lose? Students, always students, gave Bauzá a hard time when he put in an appearance, not just about money but also about the attacks on the use of Catalan. The Obra Cultural Balear is going to take the attacks on Catalan to Europe. Cuts and the language thing. They are a powerful cocktail.

The cuts have only just begun though. There need to be more. Without them, the pharmacists, still owed millions, the constructors, still owed millions, will strike or close or do whatever it takes to get their money from a government with no money.

Because there isn’t any money. Well, there’s some. Some lurking somewhere. In the nick of time, Palma town hall has found some to put into the coffers of the city’s transport service operator, so that wages can be paid. There had been a delay in payment. The workers protested at the town hall, as they have every right to. But what’s to become of Palma town hall? It needs to find 42.6 million euros to pay banks by the end of December. If it doesn’t, what then? It’ll scrape by somehow, only to fight a losing battle later. And remember that thing about the Palacio de Congresos being a bottomless pit. When, if, it is finished next year and is meant to be under Palma’s administration, there won’t be any money in the bottom of the pit to maintain it.

Things are falling apart. The centre cannot hold. The centre holds only in that central office of the Partido Popular is instructing the Balearic Government. Former President Antich, remember him, and none of this is of course any of his doing, has described Bauzá as being on the radical right, and it’s not a compliment. He has also said that the regional government is a subsidiary of central office. What’s that? I think I’ve been saying this. For some time. Give me back my line, Antich.

Is that when it really kicks off? After the national elections? Or what about at the start of November? All those unemployment queues at the end of the season. All those people snaking along the street, demanding their winter payment from the government. From a government with no money. They should get a job. Where? All the hotels are closed. The airlines have stopped running. Does it all really kick off before Christmas? And what of Christmas? Will it be cancelled?

I know, I know. I should write about turquoise seas, dramatic mountain landscapes. Lose myself and lose you in a land where the sun always shines. It was nice while it lasted.

Any comments to please.

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