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Posts Tagged ‘Orizonia’

The Rumour Mill: Bellevue

Posted by andrew on June 9, 2010

Rumours. It was the regularity with which rumours surrounding Bellevue in Alcúdia surface that was one of the reasons why I spoke with the assistant director last year. Rumours are always circulating about Bellevue. Unfortunately, the contact is no longer there, but even were he it is doubtful that I would get far in asking a question about the current rumour that’s doing the rounds – that Bellevue will not be open next year.

There have been previous rumours along these lines, and they have all proven to be false. What is fuelling the current one is nothing directly to do with Bellevue or indeed Hotetur, the chain which operates the hotel. It has to do with the financial problems at Grupo Marsans, the ultimate owner of both Hotetur and the hotel complex. I have referred to these problems before, both here and in “Talk Of The North”. Marsans faces demands from creditors, one of which is the travel group Orizonia. A guarantee against a debt of some 40 million euros is Bellevue. Orizonia is demanding payment of this debt and the execution of its mortgage on Bellevue.

It is from this, one assumes, that the rumours are stemming. In the reports of the court hearings into Marsans and its difficulties, there has been nothing about Bellevue closing. The rumours would appear, as so often, to be the result of taking facts (and one can’t even be sure that facts are being taken) and moulding them into something without any basis in truth. I have asked people about the sources from which they have heard about Bellevue’s alleged closure. They go along the lines of someone who spoke to someone in a bar near to the hotel.

Bellevue stands on some 200,000 square metres of prime real estate in Alcúdia. It can, at a stretch, accommodate 6,000 guests. Orizonia, as with many a hotel or travel group, would love to get their hands on it. It has a hotel division that was created in 2008, into which Bellevue might well fit, though if you go to the website – – and read the over-the-top narrative about how they will “seduce” you, you might be forgiven for thinking that Bellevue might not fit after all.

Of course, there is also a question as to quite how well Bellevue (as with many other hotels) is shaping up under the current difficult circumstances. But this is a separate issue. One finds it hard to believe that there is substance to the rumours.

And who knows, maybe a “new” Bellevue might become the destination for the much-longed-for Russian tourist market. President Antich has been in Moscow, wooing tour operators and predicting that Russia will become the third most important foreign market for Mallorca and the Balearics after Germany and the UK. Germans do not go to Bellevue in huge numbers, which is probably as well. You think there might be a bit of British-German antagonism, well according to some of my German sources this is nothing compared to that which exists between the Germans and the Russians. Hey ho, perhaps it’s as well that Russia aren’t in the World Cup.

Any comments to please.

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