
About Alcúdia and Pollensa and the north of Mallorca and any other stuff that seems interesting.

Pedestrianisation plan and the Don Pedro

Posted by andrew on July 28, 2010

As flagged up on 25 July, Pollensa town hall yesterday approved the plan for a development in the Ullal area of Puerto Pollensa which would also involve the developers undertaking the pedestrianisation of the resort’s “front line”. The town hall has also approved the demolition of the Don Pedro hotel in Cala San Vicente.

One Response to “Pedestrianisation plan and the Don Pedro”

  1. andrew said

    Re the Don Pedro. Reports in the Spanish press spoke of the approval given by the town hall. That is where this item came from. The plan for the hotel is also included under land rulings by the Council of Mallorca. However, approving and doing anything are two different things. The chances are that the Don Pedro will be around for quite some years yet. There is no time frame, as far as I am aware, and until such a time as anything definitive is stated – a when and also probably an if – it’s reasonable to assume that the Don Pedro will remain very much in one piece.

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