
About Alcúdia and Pollensa and the north of Mallorca and any other stuff that seems interesting.

Marsans Sold For Six Hundred Million Euros

Posted by andrew on June 10, 2010

The troubled travel concern, Grupo Marsans, has been sold to a company called Posibilitum Business. This is controlled by a Valencian businessman Ángel de Cabo who is involved with the real estate market in the Valencia area and has a reputation for taking on companies in difficulty.

Included in the sale is, of course, Hotetur, the hotel chain of which Bellevue (and Lagomonte) are a part. With the sale, one would imagine that rumours as to Bellevue’s future should subside. Nevertheless, it will take a while to see how the new owners tackle the problems that surround Marsans. Typically, businesses that specialise in taking over companies in distress look to reduce costs as a means of extracting profit, slimming them down with the possible intention of selling them on at a later date. The exact strategy for Marsans, and therefore for Hotetur, is not known as yet.

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