
About Alcúdia and Pollensa and the north of Mallorca and any other stuff that seems interesting.

Nothing Has Been Proved – Unió Mallorquina’s disgrace

Posted by andrew on February 7, 2010

“Politics is supposed to be the second oldest profession. I have come to realise that it bears a very close resemblance to the first.” – Ronald Reagan.

The police have arrested another member of the Unió Mallorquina, the former leader Miquel Flaquer. There are that many former leaders of recent vintage that is hard to keep track. Two of them are now detained, one other makes appearances before courts and keeps her counsel, as befits the former leader of the Council of Mallorca.

Perhaps we should remind ourselves as to the roll-call that is the rogues’ gallery of the UM, lining up for a police mug-shot either now or possibly in the future: Maria Antonia Munar, speaker of parliament and ex-leader of the party; Miquel Nadal, former tourism minister and ex-leader of the party; Miquel Flaquer, ex-leader of the party; Miquel Grimalt, now ex-environment minister; Antoni Oliver, ex-director general of the Inestur tourism institute and now also an ex-director general of environmental quality; Joan Sastre, relieved of his position as head of tourism promotion. To this little lot can be added those now without a job as a consequence of the dismissal of the UM from the coalition – the minister for sport, the minister for tourism, other leading figures at Inestur and at Ibatur, the tourism promotion wing of government. And there are quite a few more.

Look at those above and a pattern emerges; well more than one. A number of Micks who’ve been nicked or who may be, and a number of politicians centred on one ministry – tourism. The easy assumption, and one that the police and prosecutors are making or for which they have hard evidence, is that there was something distinctly rotten in the state of the tourism ministry of the sub-state that is the Balearics. The tourism ministry, the domain, the bailiwick of the UM. The conspiracy theorists are now hard at work. Tourism equals UM equals irritant party equals something that needs obliterating. It may make sense to those of a conspiratorial inclination, but it doesn’t make sense. You wouldn’t conspire against a ministry that happens to oversee the most important industry on the islands, just because it’s under the control of an annoying, third-force party, would you? No. It makes no sense. Forget it.

I say forget it, but then … . It is true that a party like the UM does rather muddy the waters where the major parties are concerned. It may not itself be a major party but it is not insignificant. Clearly not, given the current furore. Moreover, it is a party that is well-represented at mayoral level across the island. It is also a party that represents nationalist interests. Nationalist versus national. UM versus the PSOE and the PP. This is how some are depicting this latest scandal. The wilder and plain bonkers conspiracy theorists may want to dress this all up as some collusion against the UM, but one can – legitimately I believe – wonder as to the corruption accusations levelled at senior UM members. It’s like match-fixing in football. It can’t really work unless the whole team, or several players, are in agreement. Are we really to believe that so many have been engaged in a collusion of their own? It would seem we have to, because this is what is entailed. If so, then this – the UM – is a party that cannot be trusted and that deserves to be blasted into the far reaches of the political universe. But then, that is what some might want.

Another conclusion is that elements within the party appear to have been acting like some sort of self-interested masonic lodge. Funny handshakes and looking after their own. While politicians of other parties are clearly not immune to the temptations afforded by Mallorcan and Balearic politics, the UM, one could argue, is more tight-knit, more indicative of the ties within the islands’ society, more prone to looking after its own and to touting its services in return for feathering its nest with ill-gotten, misappropriated gains. Reagan may have had a point. There again, nothing has yet been proved. And there is that nagging feeling that … .

Any comments to please.

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