
About Alcúdia and Pollensa and the north of Mallorca and any other stuff that seems interesting.

Art Of Noise

Posted by andrew on May 25, 2009

5am. There’s a bass sound coming from somewhere. Is it from a car in the street? No, sounds too far away. Onto the upper terrace, and it is a little clearer; not loud but discernible. It’s coming from across Albufera. Sa Pobla. It’s travelling some eight kilometres or so; it’s coming from the party for the “Acampallengua”. 5am. Hopefully, no-one in Sa Pobla was desperate for a good night’s sleep; they wouldn’t have had one.

And what is this “Acampallengua”? Literally it means camp language. It’s pretty accurate. This is an annual occasion that moves around the island. It is a celebration of Catalan, and particularly popular with the youth; hence the party and the sports that had been arranged during the day. The camping part is that they pitch up and pitch tents and then head off to the sports, the night party, the fire run, the arts workshops, the giants and the pipers and the worthy speeches by politicos and the head of Obra Cultural Balear, the Catalan promotional organisation – “we will not make a step backwards in the struggle for our language”, says he (as quoted in translation from “The Diario”).

On the face of it, this event seems fair enough, a bit of camping out, a bit of football and a bit of techno. Yet I can’t help feeling there is something slightly sinister about the politicisation of the event and therefore of the language. Statements such as that by the head of the Obra makes this pretty clear, and in his audience are teenagers who are being made more aware of their language (which is fair enough) but also potentially being radicalised (which may not be fair enough). Whatever. It’s not my argument.

More noise. The tourism season cranking up and the sounds of entertainment are wafting across the resorts; no, wafting is way too weak, make that reverberating. By no means for the first time, there are a number of mutterings about the loudness of the Bellevue show garden sound system. I’m told that it is louder than last year. Every word can be heard clearly as far away as Magic and probably further. “Do you like The Beatles? Scream and shout … ” And so they do, and then once the show has finished at the midnight deadline they continue for some more minutes, demanding more and shouting some more.

This was a theme last year, as it will probably be a theme next year and the year after. Whether the sound system is excessive is not for me to say, but there is an ongoing difficulty in reconciling the noise of holiday and the sleeping and peace requirements of residents and probably also some holidaymakers. Were this a “problem” only occasionally, it might not all be so annoying to some, but it is every night. Not sure how you resolve it, especially when the wind is in the right (or perhaps that’s the wrong) direction.

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